We Should Talk

How I love those words. So maybe this is a female thing,  but I LOVE it when someone says that to me, even if I think the ensuing conversation is going to be negative and fraught with tension. Okay, so maybe it's just me and I'm weird. But still.  I would rather talk about stuff... Continue Reading →

As It Turns Out, I Was Right

So yesterday I went to my resident ADHD expert (my daughter, who is grabbing her own ADHD by the horns by researching it) and asked her about my theory regarding ADHD and crisis. (That they default to The Excitement Plan whenever possible and, in fact, tend to make it more exciting than it needs to... Continue Reading →

Camping Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

So we went camping.  We do this a lot - it's the only vacation that fits my husband's boundaries of not flying/not sleeping in an unfamiliar bed/not spending much money.  Fortunately, I enjoy camping, so it works out. (Muffy quickly silences the whining voices threatening to erupt from her depths, wailing things like, "But HAWAIIIIIIIII.....",... Continue Reading →

Looking Forward

So, since yesterday's post, I've thought a little more.  I came up with a new picture.  In this one, I am letting go of the Giant Disappointment and reaching for the Shiny New Future. So I liked that at first, but then I realized, that's just setting me up for unmet expectations. That's pinning everything... Continue Reading →

Unfinished Business

I just went back and reread my last few posts.  It's a good thing to do, now and then, especially when you suffer from MAMS (Middle-Aged Mom Syndrome), because it can remind you of what you have already realized and then promptly forgotten. At any rate, mystery solved as to the sudden sadness that hit... Continue Reading →

The Freedom in the Truth

Interesting, this whole being-able-to-speak-my-mind-freely thing.  It's starting to rub off.  I'm starting to get comfortable with saying exactly what I think. Even when I think people might look at me funny. This, now..... this is huge progress.  I was raised with shame-based discipline, and somehow my mother communicated to me that above all else, I... Continue Reading →

A Thing That Is Good

A friend confided to me yesterday about an argument she was having with her husband. Armed with fresh ideas from my own marriage counseling, I encouraged her via text to stop arguing about the content and go straight to "When you say that, I feel _______," because no one can argue about what you feel.... Continue Reading →

It’s a Fine Line

Watchmesurive commented a couple of days ago, "...I have found that sharing is healing, I always keep in mind not to bash anyone because I want to be authentic and that’s just not who I am." I've been mulling that over for the past couple of days. Because I so resonated with what she said... Continue Reading →

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